When the Wench Posse’s Demands Are Met….

…Creativity beyond your imagination will occur.

I used to go to the Minnesota Renaissance Festival quite often as a kid.  I preferred it to the Minnesota State Fair (blaspheme!!!!) for many years, though I can’t figure out why.  I seem to remember being given the choice between the two for at least one year (probably around the time my dad was laid off), and I chose the Ren Fest.  I would go around in awe at the sights, the sounds… the clothes.

I would walk past the shops with the clothes hanging out and think, “There’s no way I’ll ever be able to afford one of those dresses.”  I assumed the only way one could get one of those dresses was to buy them at those shops.  Boy was I wrong…

Let’s fast forward to a few months ago, when I started chit-chatting more with Larue about her Six Wives Project.  It wasn’t long before I was sucked into her Wench Posse and embraced by a truly amazing group of people who make it hard to be bummed out.  Ever.  Overwhelmed, yes, but not bummed out.  I have mentioned bits and pieces of my work on the Six Wives project, namely the bloomers, and to thank me for my help, Larue bestowed upon me the most glorious of flocked fabrics and the wisdom I needed to make myself one of “those dresses.”

After many hours of sewing, swearing, crying, making myself sick, and finally SUCCESSFULLY sewing…..


I felt pretty, oh so pretty.  But I was not the only pretty one there.  The prettiness abounded as our party kicked some major royal ass.  Behold:

Henry VIII, six wives, a daughter, and the 9-day queen.

Henry VIII, six wives, a daughter, and the 9-day queen.

Amazing costumes, amazing people, and an amazing time.  I feel quite blessed to be where I am in my life right now.  To top it all off, we went back for more the following day.  The Chick lent me her Scottish garb, and a few of us went off for a more relaxed day of adventure.


All costumes handmade and totally awesome.  Got myself a ring just like this.  I can die happy now.  But, you know, I of course plan on living so I can do it all again next year… Only on a bigger scale…..