Danger Kitty: Live!

The first sale of 2008 is finally upon us!

There are a ton of new vendors and returning veterans this time around, so it’s proving to become an amazing show. There are two floors this time around to accommodate all the awesomeness that is the Minnesota craft scene. There is a raffle too–everyone loves raffles!

Look for Danger Kitty Designs, The Cozy Corset Cuff, and Artistic Edition right inside the doorway. Then swing around to find Unblinking Eye and Creative Sundries directly behind us. After you spend oodles of cash there (we also accept cash and credit), finish touring the upstairs and head downstairs. Fuz Frenzy is a must see.

2 thoughts on “Danger Kitty: Live!

  1. Hey, Chelsey! Thanks for the plug! But I noticed that my shop name is wrong and it leads you to an error page when you click on it. So, if you do want to see it you should go to fuzfrenzy.etsy.com.

    See you at the show!!


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